The Message of Jonah and Jesus

3 min readJul 24, 2023


Reflection of the Word
By Abba Jimmy

Today’s Readings. Monday of the 16th week of Ordinary Time Year I.
Exodus 14:5–18. Responsorial Psalm Exodus 15: 1–2. 3–4. 5–6. Gospel Matthew 12: 38–42.

The scribes and Pharisees say to Jesus: “Teacher, we want to see you do a prodigious sign” (Mt 12,38). What good would it have been if Jesus did a miracle to please these curious people? It would have been useless. These scribes and Pharisees were only looking for entertainment, which is why Jesus calls them: “Evil and unfaithful people” (Mt 12, 39).
This scene is very similar to the scene in which the rich man from Epulon begs Abraham from the place of torment to send Lazarus to his five brothers “so that he may warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment” (Lk 16, 28). Abraham replies: “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead” (Lk 16, 31).

Jesus tells scribes and Pharisees that the only sign he will give them will be that of the prophet Jonah: After dying, Jesus will be three days not in the bosom of a whale like Jonah, but in the bosom of the earth.
When Jesus comes out of the earth’s bosom, that is, when he rises from the dead, Jesus shows that he is the messenger of God. Jesus has the power and authority to call to repentance and conversion no longer a city as Jonah did in the city of Nineveh but all the nations of the earth. Now it is up to each generation to listen to the message of Jesus and give an answer.

When Jonah warned the people of Nineveh that destruction was imminent, the king of that city and his cabinet responded positively to Jonah’s message by issuing this command decree: “Depart each one from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands” (Jonah 3:8).
We who dwell not in the city of Nineveh but in this generation do not have Jonah after he came out of the whale’s belly. Now we have Jesus raised from the grave. Moreover, Jesus hopes that we, like the inhabitants of Nineveh, also repent and convert from the smallest to the greatest.

Let us, therefore, pray that our rulers also hear the message of salvation from Jesus. As we pray for our rulers and public servants, let us not ask ourselves whether they will repent or convert.

Let us start with us. May each of us have true repentance and a sincere and genuine conversion. So when we have to give an account to God on the day of judgment, it will not happen to us as to the rich man from Epulon.
So let us start by repenting ourselves first. We have the ten commandments of God’s law. Let us review carefully and in detail how we walk concerning each of the ten commandments. Let us examine our conscience and go diligently to the sacrament of Confession.
However, let us do it today. Tomorrow may already be too late.




Written by Theoloscience

Faith asks why. Science asks how. Together, they unveil the beauty and order of the universe.

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