Run to Him: God’s Creation and Healing Never Stop
By Abba Jimmy
God’s Word is Immediate
In the beginning, the world was dark, empty — a wasteland. But then, God spoke. And instantly, light burst forth. The waters were separated. The earth took shape. Life began.
Creation wasn’t a slow process — it happened at God’s command. Let there be light! And there was light. Let the earth bring forth life! And it did. God’s word doesn’t delay. His power moves now. As Pope Francis reminds us, “God never tires of beginning again. He never tires of giving us light.”
Jesus Heals Immediately
And we see this same immediacy in the Gospel. As soon as Jesus arrives in Gennesaret, the people run to Him. They don’t wait. They don’t hesitate. They scurry — bringing their sick, their suffering, their brokenness. And the moment they touch even the tassel of His cloak, they are healed. Not eventually. Not in a few weeks. Immediately.
Pope Francis once said, “Jesus does not wait for perfect situations or perfect people: He advances with love.” And that’s exactly what we see today. Jesus doesn’t require people to prove their worthiness. He doesn’t make them earn their healing. The moment they reach for Him, His power is already at work.
God is Still Creating — Right Now
And here’s the truth we must not miss: God is still creating. Jesus is still healing. His power to transform is not locked in the past. It didn’t end with Genesis or with the miracles in Galilee. Right now, in this very moment, He is at work.
But are we responding like the people of Gennesaret? Are we running to Him, seeking His healing with urgency? Or are we hesitating, holding back, waiting for a more convenient time?
Do Not Wait — Run to Him!
My brothers and sisters, today is the day. Now is the moment. Whatever burden you carry, whatever darkness overshadows you, whatever emptiness you feel — bring it to Him. Don’t wait. Don’t let fear, doubt, or routine keep you from the healing He is ready to give.
Because the God who spoke light into the darkness still speaks. The Jesus who healed with a touch still heals. And the Creator who called the world good still looks upon you with love and calls you good.
As Pope Francis urges us, “Do not be afraid to abandon yourself to the embrace of God. He is waiting for you.”
So today, let’s not walk — let’s run to Him. Amen.